Water Results

Participants will receive results for all of the tested metals and neonicotinoid insecticides.  Water samples are not being tested for phenols.  


Urine Results

We will provide a report for arsenic, cadmium, lead, and uranium results in your urine sample. These four chemicals have established clinical reference ranges, meaning a healthcare provider will be able to help determine health outcomes or clinical treatment. 

We will not report the test results for any other chemicals in urine because the chemicals are still being studied and the health effects based on urine results are not known.


Reporting Timeline

We are testing multiple samples from each participant for a very large number of chemicals on highly specialized instrumentation for study purposes (not for diagnostic purposes). We will not report any results for a sample until all the tests are complete for that sample.  Due to  the extensive testing being conducted, it may take several months for results to be mailed.   


Summary Report

A final summary report will be available at the conclusion of the project, around Spring 2025.  This report will not include your individual findings (meaning you will not be identified anywhere in the report), but you will be able to see the combined results of everyone who participated. 


Understanding Your Water Report

Understanding the report sections

How To Read Your Water Report: Report Sections

Column 1 displays a number which corresponds to the title of a report section in Column 2. Column 3 displays descriptions for each of the report section titles in Column 2.



The testing method used at the laboratory.



The name of each chemical tested in your water sample.



Your testing result for each chemical.



The lowest level of a chemical the lab is able to detect.



The level that the EPA requires public (city) water supplies to take action.



Not all chemicals have a listed MCL or Action Level. Check biomonitoring.shl.uiowa.edu for levels that could be considered unsafe to drink.

This is a screenshot image from the water test results report with six sections identified with numbers corresponding to section titles. These section titles are described in the table above the screenshot image.
Example of "Results of Analysis - Final Report" with corresponding numbers to each of the six report sections explained in the table above.

How to read your water report results

How To Read Your Water Report: Results

Column 1 displays a number which corresponds to the title of a report section in Column 2. Column 3 displays descriptions for each of the report section titles in Column 2.



A "less than" symbol (<) in front of the result number means the chemical was NOT FOUND down to the lowest level the lab can detect.



If there is not a "less than" symbol (<) in front of the result number, the chemical WAS FOUND in your sample and the number listed is the result.





This is the level that the US EPA requires public (city) water supplies to take action and reduce chemicals in the water. Not all chemicals have an assigned MCL or Action Level. Check the chemical fact sheets on biomonitoring.shl.uiowa.edu for levels that could be considered unsafe to drink.

This is a screenshot image from the water test results report with three sections identified with numbers corresponding to section titles. These section titles are described in the table above the screenshot image.
Example of chemical detection areas of "Results of Analysis - Final Report" with corresponding numbers to each of the three report sections explained in the table above.

Understanding Your Urine Report

How to read your urine report results

 How To Read Your Urine Report: Results

Column 1 displays a number which corresponds to the title of a test result in Column 2. Column 3 displays descriptions for each of the test results in Column 2.
Biomonitoring participants will receive urine test results for arsenic, cadmium, lead, and uranium. No other chemical results will be reported.



"No actionable results" in the result column means your urine did not contain a level of that chemical that exceeds our program reference range. No action is needed.



A number in the results column means your urine contained a level of that chemical that exceeds our program reference range. We encourage you to share your test results with your primary healthcare provider.

This is a screenshot image from the urine test results report with two test result types identified with numbers. These test result types are described in the table above the screenshot image.
Example of chemical detection areas of "Results of Urinalysis - Final Report" with corresponding numbers to each of the two types of test results explained in the table above.